
"Ratt" is a political cartoonist for Crooks And Liars (CrooksAndLiars.com), whose work is syndicated by Cagle Cartoons (Cagle.com/Ratt).

Ratt’s drawings have appeared in The Washington Post, The Nation, Politico, and various other newspapers and periodicals.  Formerly, he was an editorial cartoonist for The Rule of Law This Week (@RuleOfLawWeekly), a project launched by the American Constitution Society, and for the Cape Cod Times of Hyannis, Massachusetts, and his work was also distributed nationally by Syndicated Writers & Artists and the College Press Service.  His awards include Harvard University's Al Capp Prize for Satire, the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists' Locher Award, and a New York Press Association Commendation. 

In addition, his articles on legal and business topics have appeared in The American Lawyer, Law360 and Ethical Corporation, under his given name.